Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tea Party

  • The tea infuser I used was simple and really sturdy. I had a small round, ovalish container for the tea and a long hand coming from the top of the container. The handle and the top of the container screwed off to put the tea leaves inside.

  • I believed overall all it worked well because it was easy to use, manage, and it did what it was suppose to.

  • There were only one or two changes/adjustments that I think could be made. At the end when I was ready to clean the infuser, it was hard to screw the top from the bottom, but Im not sure that was due to how it was made or I had jammed it. I finally go it though. :) Another thing was the way the infuser sat/rested in the cup. It was sorta at a slight slant, but again Im not sure if it was of my cup or thats how it was. I guess I would need to see someone else use it.

  • ROUGH ROUGH paint drawing for you guys can get an idea of which one I used. I promise my graphic stuff is better, haha.

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