Friday, October 30, 2009

cheep ponoko 65% off yay!!!!!!!!!!

any one that has not ordered their ponoko stuff enter the coupon code EHV7TR it gives you 65% off making costs!!!!!!!! lol

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tea time~

Tea infusers

HA! I love the shark, ridiculously cute.

Emotional Design

It's the eternal debate, at least for me. Function over fashion, design over usability. While brilliant design draws us to an object is doesn't always hold our attention long enough to use the object past the initial purchase. Much like how I hate buying or wearing real winter jackets, why? because they're ugly. But my fashionable coats don't keep me warm and past the second week of november are no longer worn, relegated to the back of my closet only to be replaced by an ugly parka. While the gold-plated juicer is beautiful it's completely useless, the goal of emotional design is to draw the user in with good design sensibility and engage the user with proper usability.

Emily C
What I got from the reading was that a piece that is cute and functional is the way to keep the customer interested in the piece. Similar to the tea infuser it looks cute, at first it does not look like a tea infuser but is totaly functional. Also if the piece does not do what it is intended then it fails. Similar to the juicer it looks beautiful but is not functional so their would be no point to own a juicer that can't be used for juicing.

Emotional Design Reactions

I got a lot of information out of the Emotional Design excerpt by David A. Norman mainly about designing products that are seductive to the customer but also functional. What is the point of a beautiful product if all it is going to do is sit there? The juicer is a major example. A lot of time went into making that juicer and then they plate it in gold which will errode with use. Why not make it out of a plastic so that it could be used? Form follows function and he argues that aesthetics will lead to purchase but, after that what happens when you can't use it? It just goes into the back of a cabinet somewhere to collect dust.

I think this is very important to keep in mind with our tea infusers. Make something beautiful but, remember that it is supposed to WORK. It is supposed to make tea, therefore it should do such. It could be the most brilliant looking tea infuser in the world but if it does not work then it is no good.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

tea infusers :)

i couldnt find many different examples, but these are ones that i found useful and that relate more to the ideas i have for my own. I was also looking for examples that are practical. I leaning more towards the ones that sit ontop of the mug and the chain ones (or however its called, haha)

i thought this one ^^^ was interesting but wasnt sure how it worked....

^^^ i dont like the "extra" parts like the handle and spout because it seems not to do anything when you actually use it. (unless it again weight to it)

^^ i knew we're not using the mesh thingy but i just thought the design was simple.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Tea Infusers

I found a few different styles: the spoon, the container, and the bowl. I liked the spoons and the container types. There seems to be an antique model of the "tea pot" tea infuser. I think its cute but it's so overdone.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

6 7 8 9 10

Lights and Shadows

i think these images apply more to what our project is about!

so the mini animal ones are my favorite!! love the concept and the idea of the a "table light"...


Shadows ...