Friday, September 25, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I like the geometric and abstracted form of this cat ceramic. . .I think it will translate nicely to metal

inspiration for wire project


i would really love to make the rocket, my friend and i have matching rocket tattoos...unfortunatly i dont have this in real life :( *womp womp*

But i DO have THESE! killer, eh? actually i have about six humungous headphones...

Emily C.

Emily C.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

inspirations for "Wire as Line" project

These are the two objects that I contemplated recreating in steel wire. I decided to go with the Lava Lamp because it would be creative and original.... plus I thought it would be cool to play around with making the illusion of lava on my sculpture

Friday, September 11, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My inspirations --Emily Dennis

I was inspired by patterns that were weird and asymmetrical. Odd Shapes. Things that aren't exactly the prettiest of things but create important patterns in nature. These are the three images that inspired my 3 maquettes for the cuff bracelet. Lets see how those turn out...

I was inspired by more linear objects which I found interesting, but also attempted to create some more organic shapes in my sketches from other photos I took.


I really enjoy floral-inspired designs like these:

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cuff Inspiration

I as really inspired by man-made geometric patterns. The first really is my favorite.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I went bouldering this weekend at Cunningham falls state park in Thurmont MD, I think I took around 80 pictures of bark, I'll spare you from looking at all of them  though;

I think this one (above) is what i'll be basing the cuff off of. 

these last two are my favorite pictures, I love the pattern created by the shadows but I don't know how it will translate into the cuff project.
Emily C.


I am also fond of leaf designs...


I'm definitely thinking about creating a bracelet that is similar to or inspired by this kind of pattern.